ARTICLE | Financial News

PeptiDream raises $52.4M in Japanese IPO

June 4, 2013 2:56 AM UTC

PeptiDream Inc. (Tokyo, Japan) raised Y5.3 billion ($52.4 million) through the sale of 2.1 million shares at Y2,500 in an IPO on the Tokyo Stock Exchange's market of the high-growth and emerging stocks (Mothers). The share figure includes the sale of 405,000 shares in an overallotment. The company's founders are selling an additional 1 million shares in the IPO. The Y2,500 price, which is the upper end of PeptiDream's proposed Y1,920-Y2,500 range, values the company at Y33.1 billion ($329.7 million). Mizuho is lead underwriter. The shares are slated to start trading June 11. ...