ARTICLE | Clinical News

Rituximab meets lymphoma endpoint

December 7, 2010 1:51 AM UTC

Genentech Inc. said induction therapy with Rituxan rituximab followed by Rituxan maintenance therapy met the primary endpoint in a Phase III trial to treat previously untreated asymptomatic follicular lymphoma. The chimeric mAb against CD20 antigen significantly increased median time to initiation of new chemotherapy or radiotherapy compared to a watchful waiting approach in which chemotherapy was deferred until disease progression. Specifically, median time to initiation of new therapy has not been reached at four years in patients receiving Rituxan vs. 34 months for patients managed by watchful waiting (p<=0.0001). Rituxan also met the secondary endpoint of significantly increasing median progression-free survival (PFS) vs. watchful waiting (not reached at four years vs. 23 months, p<=0.0001). ...