ARTICLE | Company News

Bavarian Nordic infectious news

September 6, 2010 7:00 AM UTC

Bavarian Nordic said it will deliver only 2 million of the planned 4-5 million doses of its Imvamune smallpox vaccine to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Strategic National Stockpile this year due to a technical issue in the company's manufacturing scale-up. Bavarian Nordic said it has taken corrective actions and now expects to complete delivery of the full 20 million doses in 2013 instead of 2012. The company has delivered 1.4 million doses to date. Bavarian Nordic received a contract in 2007 to supply the vaccine. The company lowered 2010 revenue guidance to DKK325 million ($55.5 million) from DKK475 million ($81.2 million). Bavarian Nordic reported 1H10 revenues of DKK175 ($29.9 million). ...