ARTICLE | Company News

Karo Bio metabolic news

May 9, 2011 7:00 AM UTC

Karo shareholders elected a new chairman and board at the company's annual meeting on May 4. The new slate was proposed by shareholder Jan Lundberg, who represented a group of shareholders that own 38% of Karo Bio's shares. Karo Bio CEO Fredrik Lindgren said the shareholder group hasn't discussed any strategic or management changes with the company, and he doesn't expect they will seek "any dramatic change in the scope of the business."

The new board comprises Chairman Goran Wessman, CEO of Mintage Scientific AB (Goteborg, Sweden); and directors Per Bengtsson, former CEO of Probi AB (SSE:PROB, Lund, Sweden); Christer Fahreus, CEO of EQL Pharma AB (Lund, Sweden); Elisabeth Lindner, former CEO of Diamyd Medical AB (SSE:DIAM B, Stockholm, Sweden); Jan Sandstrom, former VP of business development at AstraZeneca plc (LSE:AZN; NYSE:AZN, London, U.K.); and Anders Waas, CEO of TikoMed AB (Uppsala, Sweden). Wessman was a business development consultant with Karo Bio, Lindgren said. Bengtsson also worked at Karo Bio during the early 1990s as manager of medicine and regulatory affairs and as a project manager. ...