ARTICLE | Translation in Brief

Virtual cohorts

Genfit's bioinformatics-based blood test for NASH

November 5, 2015 8:00 AM UTC

Genfit S.A. (Euronext:GNFT) is using bioinformatics to get more mileage out of its patient samples and create what it hopes will be the first widely used non-invasive test for distinguishing patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) who need treatment from those who don't.

Genfit CEO Jean-François Mouney told BioCentury that while NASH is currently assessed via biopsy, that approach "will not be sufficient to diagnose the growing number of NASH patients." He said a blood test would catch more cases by making it easier for primary care physicians and non-liver specialists - who may be seeing patients for other, related conditions - to check if their patients also have NASH. ...