ARTICLE | Finance

Regulatory Milestones

Highlights of weekly biotech stock moves

October 11, 2010 7:00 AM UTC

Human Genome Sciences Inc. (NASDAQ:HGSI) was off $0.16 to $29.15 last week when it said it would discontinue development of Zalbin albinterferon alfa-2b after FDA issued a complete response letter for a BLA for the HCV candidate. The fusion protein of interferon (IFN) alpha and albumin is partnered with Novartis AG (NYSE:NVS; SIX:NOVN) (see B12).

Pharmaxis Ltd. (ASX:PXS; Pink:PXSLY) gained A$0.44 (20%) to A$2.59 last week after FDA approved an NDA for Aridol Bronchial Challenge Test Kit to assess bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients six or older who do not have clinically apparent asthma. The company plans to launch the mannitol inhalation powder test next quarter...

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