CMS looks to cut protected drugs under Part D
On Monday, CMS issued a proposed rule that would remove immunosuppressants and antidepressants from a list of six "protected drug classes" under Medicare Part D starting in 2015. Under Part D, "all or substantially all" drugs in the protected classes must be covered. For both classes, the agency said coverage of every drug in the class shouldn't be required since treatment guidelines recommend sub-classes of drugs and not individual drugs. Anticonvulsants, antineoplastics, antipsychotics and antiretrovirals would remain protected drug classes. While CMS is not yet removing protection for antipsychotics, the agency said it is also seeking comments on how to transfer patients to other drugs should it lift protection of antipsychotics in the future. Comments on the proposed rule -- which covers all of Part D -- are due March 7. ...