Aug. 9 Financial Quick Takes: Ironwood, Clovis, MeiraGTx, Dynavax, Biocytogen and more
Ironwood, Clovis price note deals
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:IRWD) raised $350 million in a convertible notes offering, including $175 million in 0.75% notes maturing in June 2024 and $175 million in 1.5% notes maturing June 2026. Both components were upsized from $165 million. Ironwood will use the proceeds to redeem outstanding debt.
Clovis Oncology Inc. (NASDAQ:CLVS) raised $250 million through the sale of its 4.50% convertible senior notes due 2024. The company markets PARP inhibitor Rubraca rucaparib. ...