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ARTICLE | Product Development

Charting a course to intercepting Type I diabetes

How companies aiming to prevent Type I diabetes are finding people at risk

January 18, 2020 4:27 AM UTC
Updated on Jan 25, 2020 at 2:48 AM UTC

Arguably, the most important innovations on the horizon for Type I diabetes would replace the insulin-producing cells patients have lost or prevent at-risk individuals from losing the cells in the first place. With Provention planning a rolling BLA submission this year for a treatment meant to intercept Type I diabetes before it starts, the latter approach could be taking off first.

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) is behind Provention Bio Inc. (NASDAQ:PRVB) in the interception setting, and Imcyse S.A. may follow in its footsteps after it generates early stage data in the treatment setting. After diagnosis, patients with Type I diabetes are wedded to careful glucose monitoring and frequent insulin injections their whole life. ...

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