ARTICLE | Product Development

WHO mapping out COVID-19 vaccines

WHO is creating a roadmap to develop COVID-19 vaccines

February 15, 2020 3:44 AM UTC
Updated on Mar 26, 2020 at 1:42 AM UTC

Scientists from biopharma companies, universities and regulatory agencies met at the WHO Feb. 11-12 to draw a roadmap for the development of vaccines to protect against COVID-19 amid a rapidly shifting terrain.

While knowledge about the disease is limited and changing daily, vaccine development is moving at an unprecedented pace. Priorities out of the WHO meeting include drafting a target product profile (TPP), designing a master protocol to test multiple vaccine candidates in parallel, and coordinating international work on animal models and standards, scientists who attended the meeting told BioCentury (see "Designing a Master Protocol for 2019-nCoV Outbreak")...