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ARTICLE | Product Development

If NoNO’s stroke trial strategy pays off, it could bring the first new therapy in a generation

NoNO could deliver the first approval for stroke in 25 years, if it can avoid interactions with tPA SOC.

March 7, 2020 2:52 AM UTC

Building on decades of work on a new mechanism, NoNO Inc. is laying the groundwork for an FDA approval in stroke, a notoriously difficult indication that hasn’t seen a new therapy in almost 25 years. First, the company needs to clear up concerns about interactions between its compound and standard of care.

NoNO’s Phase III candidate nerinetide is a PSD95 inhibitor -- a new target not only in stroke but one that’s eluded development in any indication. Unlike SOC alteplase, a recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), nerinetide is a neuroprotectant. ...

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