ARTICLE | Clinical News
Telik Telcyta Phase II cancer data
June 7, 2004 7:00 AM UTC
TELK said in an ongoing Phase II trial of Telcyta ( TLK286) plus carboplatin, there was a 56% objective response rate in 16 evaluable platinum refractory or resistant ovarian cancer patients, as measured by RECIST. Three patients had complete responses. The overall disease control rate was 88%. Twenty-one patients were enrolled, but five were still too early to evaluate.
In a Phase II trial of Telcyta plus liposomal doxorubicin, there was a 46% objective response rate in 13 evaluable platinum refractory or resistant ovarian cancer patients and a 77% disease control rate. The trial has enrolled 21 patients to date, but eight were too early to be evaluated. Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) markets Doxil liposomal doxorubicin. ...