ARTICLE | Clinical News

MPL immunostimulant vaccine adjunct data

November 8, 1993 8:00 AM UTC

RIBI's immunostimulant boosted responses from vaccinations with hepatitis B and herpes vaccines, according to results from European trials, equivalent to Phase II studies, presented at the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in New Orleans.

In a 27-patient study with SmithKline's Engerix-B hepatitis B vaccine, MPL gave protective antibody levels in all of the volunteers two months after the second vaccine dose, as compared to 58 percent of those who got the vaccine alone. In another study of 100 healthy young adults, 96 percent of volunteers given MPL as well as two doses of vaccine had protective levels at one month after the second dose, versus 73 percent given vaccine alone. ...