Oct. 11 Quick Takes: Supernus diversifies CNS portfolio with Adamas acquisition
Plus: Idorsia’s miss, Evotec, Protagonist, Enzyvant and Chance
Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN) is reducing its reliance on marketed epilepsy and migraine drug Trokendi XR topiram through a $400 million acquisition of Adamas Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:ADMS).
Supernus currently markets six neurology drugs of which Trokendi XR, an extended-release formulation of topiramate, accounted for about 72% of its net product sales in 1H21. Adding Adamas’ Parkinson’s disease product Gocovri amantadine, which had $37.7 million in 1H21 sales, would reduce the Trokendi’s revenue contribution to 48% on a pro forma basis...