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  • If your organization uses Single Sign-On (SSO), you will be redirected to your company's login portal.
  • If you log in with a username and password, you will be prompted to set a new password before accessing your account.

Go to the Login Page to get started.

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Illumina to scale-up philanthropic sequencing with $120M investment

Company plans to reach tens of thousands of patients per year by partnering with non-profit Genetic Alliance

November 23, 2021 11:47 PM UTC

Seeking the most efficient path to scale its philanthropic sequencing from a few hundred patients per year to tens of thousands, Illumina has decided to hand off operations to its new partner, the non-profit Genetic Alliance.

“We’ve been running this pilot for eight years. We want to reach more patients, and we think now is the time to do that.” Ryan Taft told BioCentury. Taft is VP of scientific research at  Illumina Inc. (NASDAQ:ILMN) and the company’s iHope lead. ...

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Illumina Inc.