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ARTICLE | Discovery & Translation

Wave takes its next-gen oligos beyond gene silencing and splicing

Preclinical data suggest the oligos can be used for base editing and modulating protein-protein interactions

March 9, 2022 1:42 AM UTC

Having leveraged lessons from failed clinical trials to optimize its next-generation of chemically modified oligonucleotides, Wave has now shown it can apply the oligos in new ways, adding RNA base editing and modulation of protein-protein interactions to the types of therapeutic interventions the company can pursue.

After splashing onto the scene in 2015 with a platform to bring stereopurity, already common in the small molecule world, to oligonucleotide therapies, Wave Life Sciences Ltd. (NASDAQ:WVE) was beset by clinical setbacks that sent it back to the preclinical drawing board to optimize various properties of its compounds.  ...

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