Data comp: four hypertension candidates advancing in the clinic
Idorsia’s aprocitentan under review, while Mineralys and AZ prepare for Phase III trials and Alnylam runs two more Phase II studies
After years of little innovation in hypertension therapeutics, at least four companies have reported positive Phase II or III data in the past year and half. A side-by-side look at their results does not reveal an obvious winner given differences in trial designs and patient populations, and in any case, the extremely large and heterogeneous patient population could benefit from as many new therapies as possible, given that individuals respond differently to the same agent and combinations are common.
Three of the four candidates have produced data in treatment-resistant hypertension, with aprocitentan from Idorsia Ltd. (SIX:IDIA) the most advanced, followed by baxdrostat from AstraZeneca plc (LSE:AZN; NASDAQ:AZN) and lorundrostat from Mineralys Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ:MLYS)...