ARTICLE | Management Tracks

Terns names Amy Burroughs CEO

Plus: Disc hires Jean Franchi as CFO, promotes Jonathan Yu to COO, and updates from Domain, Enable Injections and Alchemab

February 9, 2024 2:12 AM UTC

Cancer and obesity company Terns Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:TERN) named Amy Burroughs as CEO and a member of the board. Burroughs was CEO of Cleave Therapeutics Inc., and executive in residence at 5AM Ventures.

Hematological disease play Disc Medicine Inc. (NASDAQ:IRON) hired Jean Franchi to succeed Joanne Bryce as CFO, and promoted Jonathan Yu to COO from CBO. Franchi was CFO of Replimune Group Inc. (NASDAQ:REPL) and Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:MACK); Bryce will become a consultant to the company...