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ARTICLE | Product Development

Could amylin outshine GLP-1 in obesity?

If the preclinical data translate to the clinic, amylin has a good chance to supplant GLP-1 for the overweight to moderate obesity population

March 7, 2025 8:46 PM UTC

Incretin-based therapies have dominated the weight-loss Olympics, with companies chasing higher percentage losses like athletes chasing record-breaking scores. But competition is coming from amylin agonists, which bring unique advantages that could position them to overtake GLP-1 as the preferred monotherapy or combination backbone — without simply pushing for a bigger weight loss number.

The main drawbacks of incretin-based therapies are tolerability and weight loss quality. So far, early clinical data suggest amylin agonists offer milder side effects, and preclinical data support the hypothesis that their mechanism of action favors fat loss over lean mass loss. ...

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BCIQ Target Profiles

Amylin receptor