ARTICLE | Politics, Policy & Law

BIO Applauds Kennedy, With Some Reservations

May 31, 1994 7:00 AM UTC

WASHINGTON - The Biotechnology Industry Organization sent Sen. Edward Kennedy a letter applauding his proposal to delete the Breakthrough Drug Advisory Council from health care reform legislation, and supporting, with reservations, his decision to substitute a study of the broad impact of new medical technologies.

Kennedy earlier this month deleted the breakthrough council from legislation under consideration by the Labor and Human Resource Committee, which he chairs.(See BioCentury Extra, May 19, 1994). In its place he proposed the study, initially suggested by Cambridge, Mass.-based Genzyme Corp., which would be conducted by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR). It would conduct periodic reviews of the impact of drugs, biologics, medical devices, drug delivery systems and surgical services on health care costs, social costs and patient outcomes...

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