Upcoming Login Downtime

We're updating the Biocentury.com platform login experience to make access more secure and reliable. As part of this update, logins will be temporarily unavailable on Sunday, March 16, from 4:00AM to 4:00PM GMT. We recognize the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Please check back after the maintenance period.

For updates, questions, or issues, please call us at +1 650-552-4224 or email us at support@biocentury.com.

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BioCentury | May 13, 2013

Diagnostic survival test

Why CMS may demand outcomes data to justify reimbursement of cancer diagnostics
BioCentury | May 2, 2013
Politics & Policy

MEDCAC mixed on cancer diagnostics

BioCentury | Apr 27, 2013
Politics & Policy

CMS to discuss genetic tests for cancer

BioCentury | Feb 14, 2013
Politics & Policy

CMS to assess genetic tests for cancer diagnosis

BioCentury | Jun 11, 2012
Clinical News

CancerTYPE ID test diagnostic data

BioCentury | Jun 11, 2012
Clinical News

CancerTYPE ID test diagnostic data

BioCentury | Jun 11, 2012

Highlights of weekly biotech stock moves

Regulatory, clinical and other milestones
BioCentury | Apr 16, 2012
Clinical News

CancerTYPE ID test: Pivotal trial data

BioCentury | Aug 1, 2011
Clinical News

CancerTYPE ID test regulatory update

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