The Platform Powerhouse: Regeneron
Back to School 2023 case study: Regeneron’s is a story of leveraging platform technology to repeatedly generate high-value assets
Regeneron has leveraged the quality of its fusion protein and antibody platforms to drive growth into a large-cap sustainable growth company. Though its story spans three-and-a-half decades, the past 10 years have seen it enter the $50+ billion territory as a platform powerhouse, and position itself among the pharma and big biotech heavyweights of the industry.
Like most first-generation biotech companies, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:REGN) has been through several rebirths over its 35-year history. But the discovery of the VelocImmune suite of antibody discovery technologies, along with a fusion protein engine, provided the bedrock upon which Regeneron could build a stable long-term growth story...